
Simples vacances

This years vacation project Restful web and Sqlite. For some reason I never done any serious web development. Last week i decided to learn what restful is all about. I started with RestServer and it actually turned out to be very simple to use. I also had to learn how to use Composer, that to turned out to be very simple to use once you know you have to include the Composer bootstrap vendor/autoload.php, it took me some hours to figure that out. Just for the hell of it I added Sqlite for data storage, I never used it before, very simple to use, a lean mean SQL machine. Now I’m armed with with new tools waiting to be used. Simple tools to use but powerful. I have some ideas how I can use my new skills.  
For once what I thought should be a simple project actually was simple, Normally I’m confused in the beginning, I am not a good reader of documentations I just crack on with things,often that’s not a good strategy but for once it was. 

The Sqlite manual in my lap was simple to read, that’s why I look so happy :)  
Somewhere in France 2015, Montpellier? No it was Gignac.


The Cake is shut down

The Cake (2007 - 2015-07-03)

The Cake a.k.a. Kakan (deliberate mistranslation) a cost and revenue analysis Data Warehouse application  fell quietly asleep today.

The Cake was a brilliant piece of software put together in record time by me and my former colleague Ulf Davidsson, he did most of the work and then a Qlikview app on top. With the Cake marketing could in detail compare the revenue of sales with cost of production. The key factor to the success of the Cake was the understanding of Sales, nevertheless the original users have since long ascended up the career ladder and their replacement didn’t use the Cake. The last year of its life, the cake was not much used, the dead was anticipated and natural.
The Cake is replaced by SalMon a Sales analysis application used throughout the enterprise.
At next after work with the DW, we should have a funeral feast for the Cake.

Vacation again

Finally Summer is here, yesterday we had +25C in Stockholm, today it will be somewhat hotter and that is hot here, temperatures over 30C is still very rare despite global warming. So far this spring and summer has been unusually cold. Today is the first day of my vacation and next week I’m going down to France, this time without a computer! It is probably the first time since 1991 I do not carry a computer on my vacation, I think it was that year I bought an IBM P70 a  suitcase like portable with a huge 120MB hard disk, it costed my employer at the time a fortune. This year I only carry my Samsung Galaxy S4.


Stolen PC

My PC was stolen yesterday evening. This is not fun. I hope the perpetrator will rot in hell.
I had a presentation for tomorrow with many slides and a Data Warehouse reference architecture two third done which I had not backed up. I probably had a lot of other documents there not backed up. Fortunately I didn't have any sensitive info on the PC, at least I hope so.
These days you should save all your stuff in the cloud, not on the PC. Either in the cloud or on other servers.