// OK Here we go...
//initialize set up lambdas, constants, parms etc.
$sanitize = function ($val){
// This skeleton lambda can be used for sanitizing SQL statements in lambda sqlit
return $val;
$sqlit = function ($sqlarr) use($sanitize){
// This lambda creates the field and value clauses of an SQL insert from an array of assoc arrays
$fldstmt = ',('.implode(', ', array_keys($sqlarr[0])).')';
foreach($sqlarr as $arr){
$val= [];
foreach($arr as $k => $v){
$val[] = "'".$sanitize($v)."'";
$valstmt .= ',('.implode(', ', $val).')';
return [substr($fldstmt,1), substr($valstmt,1)];
$scriptName = $job['data'];
$scriptParm = $job['parm'];
$hdrtable = array_key_exists('HEADTAB',$schedule['_xlate']) ? $schedule['_xlate']['HEADTAB'] : 'HEADTAB';
$crtable = array_key_exists('RATETAB',$schedule['_xlate']) ? $schedule['_xlate']['RATETAB'] : 'RATETAB';
$parms = getParms([$job],['responseId'=>'M','wsdl'=>'M','certificate'=>'M','userid'=>'M']);
if (!$parms[0]) return FALSE;
$usercred=getUserCredentials($context,'bloomberg.xml', "$userid");
if ($usercred == FALSE){
$log->enter('Error',"Enter script=$scriptName Bloomberg user $userid credentials is missing");
return FALSE;
$passphrase = $usercred['password'];
$BloombergResponse = 'BloombergResponse';
//$BloombergResponse = '/home/tooljn/dw/data/161108174334_getCurrencyRates/getRates/BloombergResponse';
$log->enter('Info',"Enter script=$scriptName responseId=$responseId,wsdl=$wsdl,certificate=$certificate");
$log->logit('Info',"Header table=$hdrtable, Rate table=$crtable");
// Rock'n'Roll
if (file_exists("$BloombergResponse")){
$log->logit('Info',"We alreay have a response from Bloomberg($BloombergResponse)");
if (!is_object($response = unserialize(file_get_contents("$BloombergResponse")))) {
$log->logit('Error',"$BloombergResponse can not be unserialized");
return FALSE;
} else { // No response from Bloomberg
$log->logit('Info',"Trying to contact Bloomberg web server");
$params =['responseId' => "$responseId"];
//$params =['responseId' => '1478085720-104624273'];
//$Scheduledparams =['responseId' => '1478105035-72407552'];
//$Scheduledparams =['responseId' => '1478861819-71753597'];
try {
$client = new SoapClient("$wsdl"
, array('soap_version' => SOAP_1_1
, 'local_cert' => "$certificate"
, 'passphrase' => "$passphrase"
, 'cache_wsdl' => WSDL_CACHE_NONE
, 'connection_timeout' => 15
, 'exception' => TRUE
, 'trace' => 1
$response = $client->retrieveGetDataResponse($params);
} catch (SoapFault $e){
$log->logit('Error',"catching pretty bad errors, something went terribly wrong");
$log->dumpit('Note',"Soap error",$e->getMessage());
$log->dumpit('Note',"Soap error",$e);
return FALSE;
$log->logit('Info',"Bloomberg responded");
file_put_contents("$BloombergResponse",serialize($response)); // Save it for a rainy day
} // if (file_exists("$BloombergResponse"))
$stscd = $response->statusCode->code;
if ($stscd) {
$log->logit('Error',"Invalid Bloomberg status code=$stscd");
return FALSE;
$log->logit('Info',"Bloomberg status code=$stscd");
//print "end dumping response\n";
//ok we got an answer first we deal with the headers
$rhdr = [];
$rhdr['stsCode'] = $response->statusCode->code;
$rhdr['stsDescr'] = $response->statusCode->description;
$rhdr['requestId'] = $response->requestId;
$rhdr['responseId'] = $response->responseId;
$rhdr['timestarted'] = $response->timestarted;
$rhdr['timefinished'] = $response->timefinished;
$thdr = (array) $response->headers;
$Stimestamp = substr($rhdr['timestarted'],0,19);
if (array_key_exists('time',$thdr)) $tmp_sched = $thdr['rundate'] . $thdr['time'] . '00';
else {
$thdr['time'] = '0000'; // add a dummy entry for SQL insert
$tmp_sched = $Stimestamp;
print "start time $Stimestamp $tmp_sched\n";
$Sdate = new DateTime($tmp_sched, new DateTimeZone('Europe/London'));
$thdr['timescheduled'] = $Sdate->format('Y-m-d H:i:sP'); // Bloomberg schedule in London time!
$rhdr = array_merge($rhdr,$thdr);
print "start time 2\n";
//Bloomberg responds in 'New York time' no matter what!
// Convert started timestamp from Standard Estern Time day light Savings 'EDT' -> CET
$Sdate = new DateTime($Stimestamp, new DateTimeZone('EDT'));
print "start time 3\n";
$SedtDtTm = $Sdate->format('Y-m-d H:i:sP') . "<br>"; // 'SET' Date time
$Sdate->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone('CET'));
$ScetDtTmX = $Sdate->format('Y-m-d H:i:sP') . "<br>"; // 'CET' Date time
$log->logit('Info',"start time=$started SET=$SedtDtTm, CET=$ScetDtTmX");
//$rhdr['timestarted_CET'] = $Sdate->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$rhdr = array_merge(['started_local' => $Sdate->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')], $rhdr);
$started = $rhdr['started_local'];
//print "end dumping headers\n";
// Now the names of fields in Bloombergs currency rate response
$fields = (array) $response->fields->field;
//print "end dumping fields\n";
// Massage the response into a an array of associative arrays (one per currency)
$currrate = [];
foreach($response->instrumentDatas->instrumentData as $daId){
//print "start dumping instrumentData\n";
// var_dump($daId);
$dacode = $daId->code;
$idfromto = $daId->instrument->id;
// print "DATA CODE $dacode $idfromto\n";
$td1 = [];
foreach($daId->data as $da){
// var_dump($da);
$td1[] = $da->value;
$td2['started_local'] = $started;
$td2['CODE'] = $dacode;
$td2['FROM_CURRENCY'] = substr($idfromto,0,3);
$td2['TO_CURRENCY'] = substr($idfromto,3);
if ($td2['TO_CURRENCY'] == '') $td2['TO_CURRENCY'] = $td2['FROM_CURRENCY'];
$td2 = array_merge($td2, array_combine($fields, $td1));
// var_dump($td2);
$currrate[] = $td2;
//print "end dumping instrumentData\n";
//print "end dumping currencies\n";
//create SQL statements
$stmtarray = $sqlit([$rhdr]);
$hdrstmt = "INSERT INTO $hdrtable ". $stmtarray[0] . ' VALUES ' . $stmtarray[1];
file_put_contents("$hdrtable.sql", $hdrstmt);
$stmtarray = $sqlit($currrate);
$crstmt = "INSERT INTO $crtable ". $stmtarray[0] . ' VALUES ' . $stmtarray[1];
file_put_contents("$crtable.sql", $crstmt);
return $_RESULT = TRUE;