2012-03-24 I wrote my first post in this blog. I started to write due to inspiration of my colleague Petr Hutar, in one of the first meetings with him he said, “I have lot’s of other interests beside computers, I just forgot what they are”. At that time Petr put words on who I felt I was, so I stole with pride and made the quote mine.
Now Petr is leaving the company to pursue a somewhat different IT career going from administrative IT systems and IT architecture to robotics and factory automation. As Petr is an extremely creative person with a technical degree in robotics, I’m sure we will see great things from Petr in future.
You may call Petr an IT-nerd, but more than that he is a well respected eloquent gentleman that can see and present the big picture, not only the miniscule details of program algorithms. My best wishes Petr, I hope we have a beer together in the not too distant future.