Yesterday was abit hectic, while I was working on some Data Warehouse virtual servers, the database server went bananas, I had lots of server terminals up on my laptop and I shutdown one virtual server to change it's configuration, or so I thought I shutdown the physical host server, all console frames went black and I could not connect to the physical host. I then to launch the virtual console of the IDRAC, but the connection was dropped probably due to some security policy😠 So there I was at my home without my car (a son had borrowed it for the day), 45 minutes of public transport the hottest day in the year was not very tempting. while pondring on my alternatives I saw the power ON/OFF toggle button on the IDRAC menu. What happens if I press the toggle twice? First power OFF the server and then power ON the server. That should in theory start the server, so I pushed the toggle twice and waited for 15 minutes.
Lo and Behold, the physical host were up and running and so where all virtual servers. Sometimes, very seldom I do admit, things work out exactly as they should. This was one of these rare occations,