This year was an eventful year for my Data Warehouse. A new guy
Hans Mattson stepped in to
help me running the Data Warehouse. In no time Hans became proficient in running
the Data Warehouse, with his extreme analytical skills he solved some very
complex problem we faced. 'You know I'm curious, I want to know how things
works' he used to say. Unfortunatly his previous employeer realized how much
they missed him and gave him an offer he could not refused. I'm happy for Hans,
but I miss the almost daily chats we had about IT in general and Data
Warehousing. Hans is more than a good IT guy who know his craft, he is also a
very nice guy to work with.
(A new promising guy have just stepped in to replace Hans.)
I have started upgrade the Data Warehouse from PHP 7.4 to PHP 8.1, (the plan is
to go to PHP 8.3). This turned out to be tidious and much harder than I had
anticipated. PHP is not very PHPish anymore. All the nice features/defaults I
used to silently take care of conversions, bad and buggy code now issues tons of
warnings, deprications and errors. This upgrade takes a long long time,
eventhough the code in general is pretty good and well documented, sometimes it
is hard to remember the reason behind code written in PHP 4 twenty years ago.
Upgrades to new PHP versions have been simple until now, (PHP 7.4 forced me to
rewrite the entire SAP interface, apart from that very little problems). This
time I will remove not only errors, but depreciations and warnings as well.
This year we upgraded MySQL to vs 5.7, next year the plan is to upgrade to
vs 8.
Other things.
After years of procrastination I have now almost
Rey Valeza's D language web tutorial. It is a really great web programming tutorial, if you are an experienced
programmer without 'web experience' and like to get your hands dirty this is a
tutorial for you. Next I see if I can find a D language tutorial on creating a
'bare metal' program. I want to be a D programmer, I am not today, I cannot even
read D code.
At last a happy new year😊