
SAP Business Warehouse and Easter Eggs from Evry

Last week just before Easter I went down to Hoeselt in Belgium on a business trip. We had our annual physical Application Steering Committee meeting in Hoeselt this year. We pick one town where any of the committee  members live, which happens to be Essen, Hoeselt, Nantes and Stockholm. Next year it might be Gölshausen in Germany since we have acquired SCA Schucker , a company specializing in applying glue. This is far more than it sounds, it’s actually an hitech industry with a future as more and more assemblies are tied together with glue. Anyway at the meeting in Hoeselt I learned from a Belgian colleague that all Church Bells had gone to Rome. I asked him why there was Chocolate Bells for sale together with Easter Eggs and Bunnies. In Sweden we only have Easter Eggs, most of us know of the Easter Hare, but not what he is supposed to do. My colleague told me all Church Bells goes to Rome to bring back Easter Eggs, during the week before Easter Belgian churches are silent because the bells are gone. At the return to Belgium the bells hand over the Easter Eggs to the Easter Bunnies who distribute and hide the eggs for the children to go and seek for them.

This winter we have finalized a Proof of Concept for SAP Business Warehouse, or rather we are successfully finalizing the PoC together with two consultants from Evry . The consultants Thomas and Lars have done an excellent job, the PoC was about importing SAP COPA data and create the monthly report to the Group reporting system, which turned out to be excruciatingly hard with our COPA, our cost distribution and our reporting. Now when the job was done and it was Easter time. Thomas and Lars thought it would be a good idea to send us some Easter Eggs to celebrate  the good work we had done together, so they ordered 12 Easter Eggs to give to me and some colleagues that had worked with them. Now normal sized swedish Easter Eggs are big enough to hold 2-3 tennis balls and they are filled with sweets. I was on my way down to to Belgium when Thomas and Lars delivered the eggs, they called me up and told me there had been a slight misunderstanding when they ordered the eggs but now the eggs were delivered. Coming back to the office I saw what the misunderstanding was about. The Easter Eggs was huge, probably containing about two kilo sweets each. Lars and Thomas had supplied the entire HQ with sweets or almost, and still there were lots left so I took one of these gigantic Eggs with me home. On Long Friday I had about one kilo sweets myself, together with the rest of Easter eating I have probably gained one or two kilo. This is not a good start on beach-2012, I have promised myself to lose about five kilo before summer. Today Sunday I still feel drowsy after my excessive sugar intake. I have just been out for a 10km light jogging, but this is not even close to balance out the Easter Egg. And today me and my boys are going home to their Granny, more food, more Easter Eggs.

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