
PHP parallel job scheduling - 5

In the previous post  on Parallel processing of workflows  I wrote about nested jobs and how they can be used to express complex parallel job patterns. Nested jobs are created on the fly while the schedule is executing, making it possible to create jobs based on conditions not existing when the schedule starts. Job templates creates or casts jobs when the schedule start executing. Nested jobs and job templates are the two sides of the same coin, dynamic job creation. Like nested jobs, job templates can be used to express complex parallel job structures.
A job template can be driven by a template iterator, the same way a job can be driven by a job iterator.
Let’s say you have a number of IBM BPCS  ERP systems spread around the globe, and you want to extract data from them at different times during the day, with different intervals etc. And you have set up a framework of rules for this in a database. Then you can set up a job template and generate jobs from it with the help of a template iterator like this:
This is a complete ETL application, extracting information from a number of BPCS systems spread across the world. The template consists of an iterator and template jobs. The template iterator <forevery>  is created from MySQL database framework of rules and for each row a complete set of jobs is created with all @tags substituted. To speed up the extraction we run all extractions in parallel ( see the top job in the template ).
I hope you can see this is elegant, succinct and parallel.
You can find the last post in this serie here .
This is the PHP code that connects to IBM ISeries DB2 and extracts data and saves it in a Mysql database. I run this  from a an instance of my PHP job scheduler in  MS Windows server since I (and many with me) find it impossible to connect to  DB2 Iseries from a Linux environment.  

* A PDO executor  - dynamically included in {@link execScript()}
* This code is intended for communication with external database managers via PHP Database Object layer.
* The primary purpose is to copy data from the external DBMS into our own DBMS (Mysql).
* Example, Copy 'schedule' table/wiew from external DBMS 'DB2', to our database 'test':
* <job name='ajob' type='script' data='pdo.php'> <br>
*         <pdo>                         <!-- pdo syntax follows <script><sql> --> <br>
                <dsn>ibm_db2</dsn>        <!-- dsn pointing to DBMS), specified in custom/pdo.xml --> <br>
*                 <sql>select * from DB.schedule;</sql> <br>
*                 <sqlconverter> <br>
*                        <name>pdoconverter_loadfile01.php</name> <br>
*                        <target>copy0</target> <br>
*                         <autoload>replace</autoload><database>test</database><truncate>yes</truncate><table>schedule</table> <br>
                </sqlconverter> <br>
*         </pdo> <br>
*         <script> <br>
*                 <sql><file>copy0.SQL</file></sql> <br>
*         </script> <br>
* </job> <br>
* The <dsn> xml tag, points to a named entry in custom/pdo.xml. You can specify a default dsn in
* the context.
* You specify a <pdo></pdo> block for communication with the external DBMS, and an
* optional <script></script> block for communication with the native mysql DBMS.
* You are not restricted to this example, You can do about anything inside the <pdo> tag you can do
* inside a sql <script> tag, given the restrictions the pdo DBMS driver implies.
* Note! you can write your own import sql inside the <script>, you are not restricted to the
* {@link pdoconverter_loadfile01.php autoload} facility.
* Processing:
* 1 connect to the external database manager by sending the <pdo> block to {@link execPdo()}
* 2 connect to internal dbms by sending the <script> block to {@link execSql()}
* @author Lasse Johansson <lars.a.johansson@se.atlascopco.com>
* @package adac
* @subpackage utillity
* @return bool $_RETURN This is what the calling execSchedule checks at return not the returned boolean
                serialize(array(0 =>array(
                        'jobid' =>$job['_jobid'],
                        'odbcmsg' =>'A serious error has occured, contact your baker'))));
        $rows = array();
        $zlogsql = $job['loginit'][0]['value'];
        $logsqls = explode("\n",$zlogsql);
        foreach($logsqls as &$logsql){$logsql = trim($logsql," ;\t\n\r");}
        $logsql = implode(' ',$logsqls);
//        print_r($logsql);
        $mysql_cake = connect2mysql($context);
        $OK = execQuery ($mysql_cake, $logsql, $rows);
                if(!$OK) return FALSE;
        $stmts = FALSE;
        $queries = array();
//        if (array_key_exists('_sqlarray', $job)) $stmts = $job['_sqlarray'];
        if (!$stmts and array_key_exists('script', $job)) {
                if (array_key_exists('sql', $job['script'])) $stmts=$job['script']['sql'];
        if(!$stmts and array_key_exists('sql', $job)) $stmts = $job['sql'];
        if ($stmts == FALSE) return FALSE;
        foreach($stmts as $key => $stmt){
                $queries = array_merge($queries, parseSSV($stmt['value']));
        foreach($queries as &$query){$query = trim($query," ;\t\n\r");}
        $sqllog = new log("logfile=ODBClog.txt onscreen=no mode=all");
        $log->logit('Note',"Environment and input directory are OK, commencing SQL process, details see ODBClog.txt");
        $sqllog->logit('Note',"Here we go...");
//        return $queries;
        $hostSys = 'winodbc';
        $odbcParm = getSysContactInfo($context,$schedule,$job,$hostSys);
        $odbcName = $odbcParm['name'];
        if ($odbc = odbc_connect( $odbcName,$odbcParm['user'],$odbcParm['passwd'])) {
                $log->logit('Info',"Could connect to odbc driver $odbcName");        
        else {
                $odbcmsg = odbc_error();
                $odbcmsg = "ODBC Driver Connection login timed out., SQL state " . $odbcmsg;
                $log->logit('Failed',"Could not connect to odbc driver " . $odbcName);
                $log->logit('Failed', $odbcmsg);
                serialize(array(0 =>array(
                        'jobid' =>$job['_jobid'],
                        'odbcmsg' =>$odbcmsg))));
                return FALSE;
        $returncodes = array();
        for($i= 0; $i < count($queries); $i++)  {
        $Xquery = $queries[$i];        
//        print "$i $Xquery\n";        
        $odbcmsg = 'OK, no problems';
if (!$result = odbc_exec($odbc, $Xquery, 1)){
        if(odbc_error()== 'S1090'){
                $odbcmsg = 'OK, No data to FETCH, S1090';
                $sqllog->logit('Note',"$odbcmsg ");        
                $log->logit('Note',"$odbcmsg ");
        }else {
                $odbcmsg = odbc_errormsg($odbc);
                $sqllog->logit('Failed',"$odbcmsg ");        
                $log->logit('Failed',"$odbcmsg ");
                return FALSE;
        if(! odbc_num_fields($result)) continue;
        $sqlconverterDir = $context['sqlconverter'];
        $sqlconverter = $job['sqlconverter'][0]['name'][0]['value'];
        if($sqlconverter == '') $sqlconverter= 'sqlconverter_odbcdefault.php';
        $sqltarget = $job['sqlconverter'][0]['target'][0]['value'];
        if ($sqltarget == '') $sqltarget='driver0';
        $sqllog->logit('Note',"Loading sqlconverter=$dir$sqlconverter");
* This includes an SQL result set converter. <br>
* The converter is specified in the job and included from the SQLconverter library.<br>
* The converter uses $odbc handle and stores the result in $sqltarget.<br>
* See {@link sqlconverter_default.php The default SQL result converter} for details.
//                                        $result= close();
        $odbc = odbc_close($odbc);
                serialize(array(0 =>array(
                        'jobid' =>$job['_jobid'],
                        'odbcmsg' =>$odbcmsg))));
        $zlogsql = $job['logfetch'][0]['value'];
        $logsqls = explode("\n",$zlogsql);
        foreach($logsqls as &$logsql){$logsql = trim($logsql," ;\t\n\r");}
        $logsql = implode(' ',$logsqls);
//        print_r($logsql);
        $rows = array();
        $mysql_cake = connect2mysql($context);
        $OK = execQuery ($mysql_cake, $logsql, $rows);
                if(!$OK) return FALSE;
        $_RESULT = TRUE;
        return TRUE;

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