rfc_read_table is a very useful program someone wrote a long time ago, probably some SAP employee. rfc_read_table does what the name implies, it reads tables and it is Remote Function Call enabled, which means you can call it from outside SAP. I found this useful program in 2005, when the company replaced my MRP system with SAP. We (the company) did not have the resources to convert my Data Warehouse to SAP (which I advocated fiercely) at the same time. I realised SAP standard reporting could not be used, if SAP reporting can be said to be structured vertically our marketing department is structured horizontally, actually it is structured both ways. IMHO sap standard reporting is pretty lame. Any road up the Data Warehouse is written in PHP so I looked for a SAP PHP interface and found Eduard Koucky’s SAPRFC and Piers Harding’s SAPNWRFC. After some googling I found rfc_read_table which is excellent for extracting data from SAP systems. Unfortunately rfc_read_table has some glitches and limitations. In the beginning I did some changes to the program to overcome some of the limitations. For some reason SAP do not maintain rfc_read_table, so you have to patch it yourself. (SAP also discourage you from using rfc_read_table.) Years ago I attempted to write an ABAP program rfc_execute_dynamic_sql but I never finished it, probably due to lack of inspiration and due to the fact rfc_read_table covers most of our needs. You can do some nifty things with rfc_read_table and I happen to believe full table extraction is the way to go, yes I know there are some practical issues, but in future when extracting even very large amount of data is done in a blink of an eye delta extracts will be something of the past. (Delta extraction/load should be the last resort and pure table extraction is very natural when you deal with relational data).
rfc_read_table is a very useful program, but it got some glitches even bugs, and lo and behold after all these years we come across one. Packed numerics allocate two bytes to little in the output buffer, or to be correct my version of rfc_read_table allocated two bytes to little in the output buffer, now it’s fixed.
I do not know if it applies to the original version too, but the program did not take into account the decimal delimiter and the trailing negative sign. ISO 11404 prescribes leading negative sign which most of us find quite natural (except financial people, who seem to prefer trailing sign). I did the swapping of trailing to leading negative sign in PHP, a grave mistake from my side, it should have been dealt with directly in rfc_read_table.
That was rather lengthy about patching rfc_read_table.
That was rather lengthy about patching rfc_read_table.
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