
PCHART and PHP 7.4

I have for some time now struggled with PHP 7.4.9 and PCHART, finally this morning I made the combo work. First I started out with PCHART 2.4, I missed the little note saying "This version is not compatible with old PCHART scripts". I probably spent a calendar week trying to make my old scripts work before I started from scratch again, this time I both saw and read the little note. I downgraded PGRAPH to 2.1, still nothing worked. After some debugging I realised '$x = "" ' no longer resulted in $x becoming NULL (undefined) but an empty string, unfortunately that is how PCHART 2.1 NULLIFY/UNDEFINE variables.

But shame on me if I give up coming so far (I seldom give up).

I changed most variants of  ' =" " ' to ' = NULL' and voilĂ :

There were a lot of ‘ $x = “ “ ‘, and I have probably not changed all of them, but now PCHART 2.1 works for me, and I’m happy for that.